Professional Loaded Dice
Items:Loaded dice
Variants:Cube, Polyhedral, D6, D20
Color:White & Transparent & Red
Size:10mm – 18mm
Weighted Numbers:Customized
Application:Dice Games & Magic Shows
Every player wants to score the expected point in a dice game. How do you always get a 6 on your dice? To achieve this, you will need professional loaded dice!
Sometimes luck can be a blessing, but it is more common to have bad luck. Professionally loaded dice can be used to help players get the highest possible points. These dice come with tricks numbers and are weighted to increase certain outcomes.
Loaded Dice Set on Sale
We are proud to present the best loaded dice for you. We offer a variety of high-quality loaded dice such as loaded Bike trick dice, 7-11 casino custom loaded dices, loaded Las Vegas transparent weighted dies, loaded polyhedral and best loaded D20 dimes, among others. For a complete list of loaded dice sets, please contact us.
How do Loaded Dice work?
How are professionally loaded dice made? The technical loaded dice are made from the two high-quality dice. They are then reconstituted to be the same size as the original dice. To achieve the desired result, these loaded dice can be landed in a particular direction. To make the dice, you add a little bit to the number. This will increase the weight of the dot’s side. In the game gravity will cause the side with more weight to face down, and the user will see the number they want face up. Thus, the goal of increasing the number of specific numbers in the game is achieved. If the owner wishes for the dot 3 more often, then we will add something to the 4 side. This will make the 3 side appear more often during rolling.
Custom Weighted Dice
Weighted dice can also be called loaded dice, gravity dice and fixed number dice. You can customize the weighted dice to meet your specific needs. You can either make dice with one number or two or three trick numbers. Multiple numbers can be used to make the same number appear at the same time, which reduces the possibility of you being accused of repeatedly throwing one number. These numbers must be adjacent to one another on the dice, so numbers 13, 12, 56 and 123 are allowed. Numbers 3 and 4 cannot make different numbers with the same chance. Numbers 3 and 4 are prohibited because they are opposites. Numbers 256 and 5 are also forbidden. It is allowed, however, to contain 16, 25, but not 2.
Are you worried about being found with loaded dice?
Don’t worry! Professional loaded dice look the same as regular casino dice. The dice’s original appearance, size, and weight are not altered by us. We take one part of each dice and process them. Then we use special tools to combine the parts. It is impossible to see the stitching on the outside, but you can rest assured.
We recommend buying matching, clean regular dice for when you are customizing your dice. You will be questioned if you throw the same number of dice every time.
We are certain that you will enjoy a satisfying gaming experience with our products.
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