PK series magic scanning lighter camera

Items:Lighter barcode poker scanning lens

Matched Analyzer:PK King



Scanning Distance:15-20cm, 20-30cm, 25-35cm

Delivery Time:2-4 Working Days

Application:Texas Holdem Poker & Baccarat

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UGS : spsku0084 Catégorie :


The PK King poker analyzer is known for its high scanning speed.

This PK magic Texas poker card lighter can be scanned using a multi-frequency signal transmission scanner. Multi-frequency poker scanners are compatible with various best-hand poker analyzers.

Here are some details about the PK magic card scanner lighter. The scanning range is between 20-30 cm; the working distance for poker analyzers is approximately 5 metres; and battery life is approximately one hour. You can also replace it with a full-charge battery.